Sunday, May 2, 2010

long delay

hello again, I am really sorry it has been so long since I have written. As a wrote last time my computer crashed so getting on line and being productive has been a lot harder. Getting pictures posted has been a bit of a task too. Not to much has been going on...I returned to Dahab last weekend with a friend and we spent three days snorkeling the coral reefs and doing a bit of scuba diving. I was lucky enough to be able to dive twice and see all kinds of stuff from lion fish to sting rays, very colorful fish and even an octopus.

This past week and the following few to come are going to be able about the academics. I had a geology exam today that I got a 94 percent on so I was very happy about that. I have a couple more exams coming up soon, a role play mock trial for Sayyid Qutb and a ten page report due on the Geology of Egypt.

I only have four weeks left in the semester and then my dad will be here in Egypt for two weeks. We have a pretty good idea of what it is we are going to do but I am going to wait to post the plan first just because we are not 100% on it yet and second just to keep you all on the edge of your seats.

I am sorry to cut this off here but I am short on time. I will try to write again soon and maybe even get some photos up.

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