Sunday, February 7, 2010


This last weekend I traveled to the fantastic city of Alexandria on the northern mediteranean coast of Egypt. Although we really did not have enough time to really savor the flavor of the city it was a wonderful trip. We left Cairo friday morning and and about three hours on the bus we arrived in Alexandria. Our first stop was a castle fortress type thing sitting out on the end to a point that divides the harbor into two main port areas. Where the fortress is located used to be an island but there is now a manmade concection one mile long and two hundred meters wide thanks to the efforts of Alexander the Great. After spending two weeks in Cairo where just breathing here is on par to smoking a pack a day the fresh air and cool breeze coming of the gloriously beautiful mediteranean was very much enjoyed. Standing on the ancient fortress wall watching the waves crash onto the rocks, feeling the wind gusts accross my face and the incredible blues of the water made the whole situation one of those "whoa" moments. I have several awesome pictures that will be posted to the facebook group.

After a little over an hour of enjoying the fortress we left for the Roman Catabombs. Unfortunatly they did not allow cameras in so I do not have any pictures of them however they where very cool. We entered the park area and preceded to decend a spiral staircase roughly 120 feet strait down. These catacombs have been slightly frustrating to archaeologists thus far becase no bodys have been discovered inside. As it is understood the catacombs where in use for some period of time (due to non-natural wear on the floors and walls as well of remanents of fires and trash deposits) yet it is believe that although they contain many burial tombs (all empty) they where used as a hiding place. Another unique thing about them is there is a very apperent mixture and blending of the three main cultures of the time influencing that area in its design; Roman, Greek and Egyptian.

The second day we went to the Library at alexandria. It was awesome, it was very cool and the programs they run through their livrary are very cool and world renownd. We did'nt get to stay there very long but the time spent was very much enjoyed. After two weeks in cairo breathing the smog and the sand it was very refreshing to enjoy some beautiful mediteranean air.

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